ICTR Demonstration

The Arrest of Félicien Kabuga

Félicien Kabuga: Rwanda genocide survivors happy with arrest From BBC News Online Rwandan genocide survivor groups have welcomed the arrest in France of one of the most wanted men accused of being behind the mass killings. Félicien Kabuga, 84, was … Continue Reading »

CNLG Executive Secretary Jean Damascene Bizimana addresses media in Kigali. (Sam Ngendahimana)


CNLG shines spotlight on Genocide convicts who have evaded justice By Emmanuel Ntirenganya, The New TimesOriginally Published on 17th December 2019 Some people who were convicted of Genocide crimes by Gacaca courts have been on the run in an attempt … Continue Reading »

Survivors at Bisesero Memorial, Rwanda

Lessons from Rwanda

A new paper, Lessons from Rwanda: Post-Genocide Law and Policy, by Zachary D. Kaufman in the Stanford Law & Policy Review (August 2019) sets out the Lessons from Rwanda which emphasises that “learning from the Genocide against the Tutsi provides … Continue Reading »

Kigali Genocide Memorial: Memorial Wall of Names


We publish here an extract from an address by Noam Schimmel on the Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide Against the Tutsi, Kalamazoo, Michigan, June 8, 2019 History can have about it a feeling of inevitability. It … Continue Reading »