Trust Fund

Ibuka Roots for Trust Funds to Support Genocide Survivors. By Jane Nabukera, News of Rwanda. Ibuka, the umbrella of Genocide survivors associations is engaging government of Rwanda and the United Nations (UN) to establish a fund that will support survivors’ … Continue Reading »


Sweden sentences man to life imprisonment for genocide in Rwanda. Reporting by Anna Ringstrom, Reuters. A Swedish court sentenced on Monday a 61-year-old man to life in prison for genocide in Rwanda in 1994, the second such case brought by … Continue Reading »


Rwandan genocide survivors hope for justice from Paris trial. By Stephanie Aglietti. Kabarondo (Rwanda) (AFP) – Twenty-two years after the Rwandan genocide, Jean-Damascene Rutagungira still cannot bear the sight of the Catholic church in the eastern village of Kabarondo, where his … Continue Reading »


Expedite Compensation of Genocide Survivors – Senators. The New Times, 29th March 2016. By Rodrigue Rwirahira The Executive Secretary for the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) appeared in senate on Monday to explain the commission’s role seeking solutions to … Continue Reading »

AERG Helpline

A counseling and legal telephone helpline was set up in August 2013 by AERG in partnership with SURF as a result of the need for young genocide survivors enrolled in Secondary School or University to access this support. As the … Continue Reading »

ICTR Closes

International Criminal Tribunal closes. By Alastair Leithead. BBC News. The small, dusty town of Arusha in northern Tanzania is the gateway to Mount Kilimanjaro, to the beauty and the wildlife of the Serengeti. But for 21 years, a small courtroom … Continue Reading »

Imbere Heza

Entrepreneurship skills for youth is the corner stone of Student Survivors Association, AERG, and Survivors Fund’s (SURF) latest joint project, officially launched in Kigali in the presence of Jean Philbert Nsengimana, the Minister of Youth & ICT. “Imbere Heza” will help … Continue Reading »


Genocide survivors hopeful of reparations as ICTR winds up. By Edwin Musoni, The New Times.  The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), yesterday, heard the last arguments in the appeal case involving former minister for family affairs and women development … Continue Reading »


Will Genocide convicts ever pay back all looted property? By Eugene Kwibuka, The New Times. First Published: March 20. As far as Aloys Rwamasirabo can recall, it’s been about eight years since a Gacaca court in his Western Province’s Nyange … Continue Reading »

Reparation & Reconciliation

The 20th anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in April 2014 renewed discussions about justice and reconciliation in Rwanda. Rwanda’s restorative justice sentenced thousands of perpetrators to reparation (often a monetary compensation) at the gacaca (community courts). However, many … Continue Reading »