
Mukasekuru is 49 years and one of the mothers supported by Foundation Rwanda she remarried after the genocide and has 3 children. One of those children and the oldest is Nyampinga 18 years old, she was born as a result … Continue Reading »

HMD 2013

Survivors Fund (SURF) has supported Holocaust Memorial Day since its inception. The theme for the commemoration this year is Communities Together: Build a Bridge on which SURF Trustee, Apolinaire Kageruka, comments in the HMD campaign pack (featuring photography from SURF Photographer, Andrew … Continue Reading »

United Nations

“The international community failed Rwanda, and that must leave us always with a sense of bitter regret and abiding sorrow.  If the international community had acted promptly and with determination, it could have stopped most of the killing.  But the … Continue Reading »

Human Rights Day

A guest post by Albert Gasake, Legal Advocacy Coordinator of Survivors Fund on reflections on Article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the right to effective remedy for survivors of the 1994 Tutsi genocide in Rwanda to … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Dr Jemma Hogwood, Clinical Psychologist, SURF Rwanda: For the last 6 months, four groups of women have been meeting regularly in their local communities to discuss their experiences of being raped during the genocide and bringing … Continue Reading »


An estimated 20,000 children were born as a result of rape committed against Tutsi women during the 1994 genocide. Josiane was herself born as a result of rape. “I was conceived when three men raped my mom” she says. When I … Continue Reading »

Task Force

IBUKA hosted today a commemoration to mark the end of the 100 day mourning period at their head office, which adjoins the Nyanza Memorial Site, where over 5,000 victims of the genocide are buried. Following an emotional ceremony, at which … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Noam Schimmel, from an article from Huffington Post – Bisesero: The Hill of Resistance It is a 62 odd kilometer loop between the town of Kibuye and Bisesero, a ride that on the back of a motorbike feels … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Noam Schimmel, a special advisor to Survivors Fund (SURF): The first day of the Jewish holiday of Passover this year falls on the anniversary of the first day of the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi. How … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) each year supports a number of commemoration events to mark the anniversary of the genocide on and around the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda on 7th April. This year, … Continue Reading »