
21 years later, Rwanda remembers. By Edwin Musoni, The New Times. Rwandans and friends of Rwanda all over the world will today commence the weeklong activities organised to mark the 21st anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, with … Continue Reading »


Will Genocide convicts ever pay back all looted property? By Eugene Kwibuka, The New Times. First Published: March 20. As far as Aloys Rwamasirabo can recall, it’s been about eight years since a Gacaca court in his Western Province’s Nyange … Continue Reading »


Genocide survivors housing programme draws to a close By Athan Tashobya, New Times The Government is in the last phase of constructing houses for survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Officials from the Ministry of Local Government and … Continue Reading »

Comic Relief

Survivors Fund (SURF) received critical funding from Comic Relief in 2010 to support a two-year HIV+ Survivors Integration Project (SIP). SIP sought to extend holistic support through our two partner organisations AVEGA Agahozo and Solace Ministries to ensure the successful integration into the public health system … Continue Reading »

Kwibuka 2015

Kwibuka 2015 to focus on tackling genocide denial. Activities to mark the 21st commemoration of the Genocide against Tutsi will revolve around engaging the international community on the issue of genocide denial and revisionism, according to the National Commission for … Continue Reading »

Think Big

AERG and SURF launched the first meeting of AERG Business Networking Club “Think Big: Growing Your Business in Rwanda”, a forum created to bring together youth, enterprise and innovators in Rwanda through informal networking events, on Friday (28th November 2014). … Continue Reading »


Enterprising Genocide Survivors Bag Rwf 5 Million Unsecured Loans By Emmanuel Ntirenganya and Michel Nkurunziza The New Times Five young enterprising graduate Genocide survivors have won a total of Rwf5 million unsecured loans from Duterimbere microfinance after pitching the best … Continue Reading »


Both inspired by, and in response to the Ice Bucket Challenge, we have decided to launch our own challenge – #RwandaChallenge – to try raise £250,000 to fund the education of 735 young people in Rwanda through 25,000 donations of … Continue Reading »

Media reportage

Old media reports deprive Rwandan genocide survivors of the right to be forgotten. By Sally Hayden, One of the biggest challenges following the Rwandan genocide was getting it classified as such. As the international community faltered and fiddled and … Continue Reading »


Genocide survivors’ compensation should not delay, warns Minijust. By Theophile Harushyamagara, Rwanda Focus. The permanent secretary in the ministry of justice, Isabelle Kalihangabo, has warned no trial concerning property refunds related to the 1994 genocide against Tutsis should take more … Continue Reading »