
“This loan is golden. It has allowed us to grow our income. Each of our members has been able to buy an animal” Duhumure received their first loan on December 27th 2011, shared between 4 members, as part of the … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Noam Schimmel, from an article from Huffington Post – Taking Inspiration From Olympic Competitors: Rwanda’s Adrien Niyonshuti When we think of the competitors in the Olympics it’s natural that we focus on their athletic talents and efforts. After all, that’s … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) has published data on the Registry of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). The IATI Registry is an index of data published on international development activities and makes information about aid spending easier to access, use and understand. This serves the purpose … Continue Reading »


Tutsi women were raped and often mutilated during the 1994 genocide.  Victim’s testimonies confirm that women were subject to sexual brutality. Most women who were directly threatened with death were spared only to be raped. Children born of these rapes … Continue Reading »

Imvo n’imvano

“Failure to provide reparation to survivors of genocide is denying their status of being victims” The BBC’s very popular hour-long, and often controversial, radio programme, Imvo n’imvano, aired this Saturday with a debate on the right to reparation for the survivors … Continue Reading »


Lamanzan Sekindi has a remarkable story of a magic chicken! Four years ago, Lamanazan was given a chicken through our programme funded by the Good Gifts Catalogue, and thought then it would be enough to provide eggs for his family. … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Dr Jemma Hogwood, Clinical Psychologist, SURF Rwanda: Four Clinical Psychology students from the National University of Rwanda (NUR) presented their research findings to an international panel and fellow students last week. Supervised by Dr Carl Auerbach … Continue Reading »


Project Umubano is the UK Conservative Party Social Action project in Rwanda and Sierra Leone. Since 2007, Survivors Fund (SURF) has helped with the organisation of the project, providing support in-country for the visiting delegation. In addition, each year a team … Continue Reading »

Task Force

IBUKA hosted today a commemoration to mark the end of the 100 day mourning period at their head office, which adjoins the Nyanza Memorial Site, where over 5,000 victims of the genocide are buried. Following an emotional ceremony, at which … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Noam Schimmel, from an article from Huffington Post – Bisesero: The Hill of Resistance It is a 62 odd kilometer loop between the town of Kibuye and Bisesero, a ride that on the back of a motorbike feels … Continue Reading »