Solar cooking

Following our site visit to learn more about water purifiers, we travelled on to Rilima to meet Josephine to see her solar cooker in action. This was one of a number of experimental solar cookers donated by Survivors Fund (SURF), … Continue Reading »

The Gift of Water

One of the principal funders of the work of Survivors Fund (SURF) in Rwanda is the Charities Advisory Trust, which supports our work through Card Aid and the Good Gifts Catalogue. On my current visit to Rwanda, I have had … Continue Reading »


As I embark on my final few weeks at the helm at Survivors Fund (SURF), I reflect on my past five years in post as director. It is has been a remarkable experience. The time has truly flown! That is … Continue Reading »

Fruits of Hope

Fruits of Hope and Success Cooperative (FOHSC) was formed by seven students following their graduation from the Youth Entrepreneurship Training Program (YETP). In partnership with the Association of Student Genocide Survivors (AERG), YETP provides entrepreneurship training to student survivors, culminating with … Continue Reading »


The National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide (CNLG) has recently released an important piece of research on the psychosocial situation of orphaned youth survivors. 19 years on from the genocide against the Tutsi, many survivors continue to face challenges … Continue Reading »


Speech delivered by Alex Mugabo, Programme Manager of Survivors Fund (SURF Rwanda) on AVEGA’s 15th Annual National Congress. On behalf of AVEGA’s partners, and on behalf of Survivors Fund, I greet you all. From the outset, let me begin by thanking … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Kelsey Finnegan, SURF Rwanda Project Officer: Last month marked the roll out of our first evaluation research experiment. Throughout our work facilitating income generation training groups and counseling for survivors, we have realized the incredible impact … Continue Reading »

Good Gifts

The work of Survivors Fund (SURF) is featured in the Good Gifts Catalogue, which includes presents suitable for every occasion from birth to death and the fun bits in between. With over 200 unusual gifts to choose from, you’ll find … Continue Reading »


Initiated in October 2010, the Survivors Integration Project (SIP) supported HIV+ survivors with access to entrepreneurship training, counselling, legal aid and health support, as well as access to capital through a Loan Guarantee Fund (LGF) established with Urwego Opportunity Bank … Continue Reading »

EIE Update

The overarching aim of the Education into Employment programme is to combat unemployment amongst AERG members. It is skills-based and offers instruction in three main areas: I.C.T, English and job search and application. I.C.T. The I.C.T training includes all standard … Continue Reading »