Imvo n’imvano

“Failure to provide reparation to survivors of genocide is denying their status of being victims” The BBC’s very popular hour-long, and often controversial, radio programme, Imvo n’imvano, aired this Saturday with a debate on the right to reparation for the survivors … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Noam Schimmel, from an article from Huffington Post – Bisesero: The Hill of Resistance It is a 62 odd kilometer loop between the town of Kibuye and Bisesero, a ride that on the back of a motorbike feels … Continue Reading »


Rwanda: No justice without reparation by David Russell and Juergen Schurr What will be the legacy of local and international justice for the 1994 genocide survivors? On 18 June, President Kagame officially closed gacaca, the traditional community courts that according to the … Continue Reading »


A post by David Russell, Director of Survivors Fund (SURF). I am currently on a visit to Rwanda, where we are recording interviews with our partners and their members for a short film that we will be producing to mark … Continue Reading »


As gacaca courts formally closes this week, Survivors Fund (SURF), along with our partner REDRESS, have been working with survivor’s organisations in Rwanda to ensure that concerns over their closure are addressed. In particular this relates to the issues of reparation and enforcement … Continue Reading »


For immediate release Survivors’ concerns over closure of gacaca courts need to be addressed Kigali, 15 June 2012 – Many survivors in Rwanda fear that with the official closure of the gacaca courts on Monday, 18 June 2012, their right … Continue Reading »


In accordance with the Justice, Reconciliation, Law & Order Sector Strategy (2009–12), the Legal Aid Forum carried out a research project to monitor and evaluate the enforcement of court judgments in Rwanda. The research focused on the enforcement of civil judgments, excluding … Continue Reading »


Noam Schimmel, a leading academic on the situation of survivors of the genocide in Rwanda, published this week a vital follow-up piece to his recent op-ed article in the Huffington Post, expounding on arguments for “Creating a UN Trust Fund … Continue Reading »

UN Trust Fund

A guest blog post by Noam Schimmel, from an article published today on Huffington Post – A UN Trust Fund for Rwandan Genocide Survivors: An Urgent Need The 18th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide was commemorated in April in Rwanda … Continue Reading »

Human Rights

Survivors Fund (SURF) today tabled a submission to the Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) in response to a new inquiry into the human rights work of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in 2011, which is documented in its 2011 Report on Human … Continue Reading »