SURF/N4A/AERG Youth Counselling Group

The Big Give Christmas Challenge

With our excellent international partner, Network for Africa, and our local partner AERG, Survivors Fund (SURF) is providing counselling support for hundreds of vulnerable orphans. Through socially-distanced group counselling, through house calls and by telephone, we try to equip people … Continue Reading »

World Mental Health Day 2020

World Mental Health Day

To mark World Mental Health Day 2020 earlier this month, on 10th October, Survivors Fund (SURF) and GAERG produced a short film to raise awareness of the mental health situation of Survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. … Continue Reading »

Youth Camp

Youth Camp

In a series of posts over the coming weeks we will profile participants in our Foundation Rwanda Youth Camps. As an introduction, we provide a summary of the programme here, which has been running since 2015 and has supported over … Continue Reading »