Samuel Munderere is passionate about international development work and improving the lives of vulnerable people. He has a profound understanding of the issues faced by women and children in Rwanda and extensive experience of programmes that seek to empower them and transform their lives. Sam has worked with Survivors Fund (SURF) Rwanda since 2004. He has particular experience in managing educational and counselling projects and serves as Programme Director for Foundation Rwanda, leading our programme to support 850 young adults born of genocide rape, as well as coordinating SURF’s provision of counselling programmes for their mothers. In his career he has developed an array of livelihoods projects including ground-breaking initiatives to introduce solar lights, solar cookers, clean stove cookers, water purifiers and donkeys to Rwanda. Samuel holds a MSc in Global Mental Health from Kings College London and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, a MSc in International Development Management from the University of Westminster (London, UK) and a BA in Social Worker and Social Administration from Bugema University. He lives in Kigali.