SURF Rwanda Office

Social and Economic Rights

This is one of a series of extracts of questions and answers from An interview with Samuel Munderere and David Russell of Survivors Fund (SURF) on reparative justice for survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda published … Continue Reading »

SURF Rwanda Office

SURF’s Vision of Justice

This is one of a series of extracts of questions and answers from An interview with Samuel Munderere and David Russell of Survivors Fund (SURF) on reparative justice for survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda published … Continue Reading »

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

Ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 on 27th January, SURF UK Coordinator, David Russell, was interviewed by EachOther about the importance of the commemoration and how it relates to the importance of remembrance of the Genocide against the Tutsi in … Continue Reading »

Noam Schimmel Article

The Tutsi and Jewish Experience

In a new paper in the Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, Noam Schimmel writes on “Personal Reflections on Shared Identity and Contemporary Relationships of Mutual Support and Intersectional Solidarity of Rwandan Tutsi and Jewish Human Rights Advocates”: This article … Continue Reading »

Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the publication of the SURF Annual Report 2013/14, which presents an overview of our work over the past year. You can download the report by clicking on the cover below: The Annual Report is a summation … Continue Reading »


‘Once in a generation’ chance to secure reparations for the Genocide against the Tutsi. An appeal has been made to the international community to mark the 20th anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda by backing reparations for … Continue Reading »

New Year

Greetings to you all from me, Françoise Lemagnen, the incoming Chief Executive! I have just returned from an intensive and instructive few weeks in Rwanda meeting with the team and partners and most importantly with survivors across the country. I return … Continue Reading »


As I embark on my final few weeks at the helm at Survivors Fund (SURF), I reflect on my past five years in post as director. It is has been a remarkable experience. The time has truly flown! That is … Continue Reading »


When I succeeded the founder of Survivors Fund (SURF), Mary Kayitesi Blewitt OBE, as the second director of the charity, I did not think that I would still be in post over four years later. After many years as a consultant, … Continue Reading »


Address of David Russell, Director of Survivors Fund (SURF), at The Berkshire Rwandese Community Event at Reading Civic Centre to mark the 19th Anniversary Commemoration of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi, 11th April 2013  Never before in modern history … Continue Reading »