
Mukasekuru is 49 years and one of the mothers supported by Foundation Rwanda she remarried after the genocide and has 3 children. One of those children and the oldest is Nyampinga 18 years old, she was born as a result … Continue Reading »


Teaching the Rwandan genocide can be a daunting task for teachers.  Many practitioners feel ill-equipped to answer the countless questions which the subject generates, not to mention the moral and ethical dimensions. ‘Lessons from Rwanda’ is a new set of … Continue Reading »


In a recent call for applications for proposals addressing Innovation for Education, the Rwandan Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) defined innovation as: “…the creation and implementation of new or improved processes, products, or services that result in significant improvements in learning … Continue Reading »

Teaching on Rwanda

Teaching on Rwanda

SURF is fortunate to be supported in its work by two great teachers, Andy Lawrence of Hampton School and Sam Hunt of Sandhurst Comprehensive. Their work has been profiled in a comprehensive feature in The Guardian. Andy has been developing … Continue Reading »

A Day of Education

I have just returned from an inspiring conference organised by Andy Lawrence of Hampton School. Bringing together over 100 students from 7 local schools, Andy and his team organised a great day of learning with speakers including two SURF trustees, … Continue Reading »