SURF Rwanda Office

Social and Economic Rights

This is one of a series of extracts of questions and answers from An interview with Samuel Munderere and David Russell of Survivors Fund (SURF) on reparative justice for survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda published … Continue Reading »

SURF Rwanda Office

SURF’s Vision of Justice

This is one of a series of extracts of questions and answers from An interview with Samuel Munderere and David Russell of Survivors Fund (SURF) on reparative justice for survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda published … Continue Reading »

Mourners listen to a genocide survivor giving testimony during a commemoration event at Murambi Genocide Memorial in 2017. The uncertainty surrounding the Covid-19 outbreak has heightened mental health problems among the survivor community (photo: Sam Ngendahimana, The New Times)

Call for help for survivors

Kwibuka27: Call for help to survivors as country gears up for commemoration amidst Covid By Nasra Bishumba, The New Times Two weeks before the world commemorates the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi for the 27th time, survivor organisations say that … Continue Reading »

A traumatised youth is helped during a past commemoration event. Survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi found it hard to commemorate this year due to the lock-down meant to curb the spread of COVID-19. (The New Times)

Mental Health and Covid-19

By Nasra Bishumba, The New Times Almost a year since Rwanda confirmed its first Covid-19 case, mental health experts in organisations of the survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi say that mental illness challenges have been exacerbated by … Continue Reading »