Blue Helmets Rwanda

The Imputability of Belgium

In a new paper in the American Journal of International Law, Tom Ruys writes on the landmark case of “Mukeshimana-Ngulinzira and Others v. Belgium and Others”: On April 11, 1994, approximately two thousand men, women, and children were brutally murdered … Continue Reading »

Noam Schimmel Article

The Tutsi and Jewish Experience

In a new paper in the Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice, Noam Schimmel writes on “Personal Reflections on Shared Identity and Contemporary Relationships of Mutual Support and Intersectional Solidarity of Rwandan Tutsi and Jewish Human Rights Advocates”: This article … Continue Reading »

The Media and Paul Rusesabagina

A guest post by Dr. Wolfgang Reinhardt of Iriba Shalom International It is scandalous, that the majority of the international press has been giving a misleading and naïve reporting of the trial and verdict against the so-called “hero” of the … Continue Reading »

Anastasie Mukayiranga weaving a traditional basket (The New Times)


By Lydia Atieno, The New Times After the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Beatrice Bazayirwa was left with injuries that affected her arms, making them weak to a point where she can’t do any strenuous work. Bazayirwa, who is 59-years-old, … Continue Reading »

Nyamata Genocide Memorial in Bugesera

Survivor’s Mental Health

By Nasra Bishumba, The New Times A collaborative report released on Thursday, September 2 has revealed that while 44 percent of the survivors aged over 45 years experience recurrent depression, 22 percent of the perpetrators who have served their sentence … Continue Reading »

Kiziguro Memorial 2021

Kiziguro Memorial

By Jean de Dieu Nsabimana, The New Times Genocide survivors and the leadership of Gatsibo District on Saturday, August 29 laid to rest 5,269 victims of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi, in the upgraded memorial site of Kiziguro. Many of … Continue Reading »

Foundation Rwanda

Foundation Rwanda

Continuing our series of articles from our Annual Report 2019/20, we outline here our work on our Foundation Rwanda programme. Through funding from Foundation Rwanda, Survivors Fund (SURF) is currently addressing the education and counselling needs of young people conceived … Continue Reading »

Linda Melvern

Moral Equivalence

A guest post from Linda Melvern from her article The Story of Genocide Denial in Rwanda from the Journal of International Peacekeeping Since the very beginning of the Rwandan Genocide of the Tutsis in 1994, members of Hutu Power, the … Continue Reading »