25 Years On

25 Years On

As we approach the 25th Anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda next month, we are working hard at preparing for the commemoration in particular through our counselling programmes which ensure that survivors have access to support to … Continue Reading »

Sam Hunt with SURF Staff and Supporters

SURF Annual Review 2018

As a prelude to the publication of our Annual Review 2018-19, we feature from it a message from the Chair of Survivors Fund (SURF), Sam Hunt: 2019 will mark the 25th Anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. … Continue Reading »

25 Years On Film

25 Years On Film

We are proud to confirm details of the screening of our new film, 25 Years On, which will be at Rich Mix on 11am, Sunday 7th April, the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in … Continue Reading »

Leadership for Life Training Graduates


From 1st to 3rd February 2019, a three-day Leadership for Life training was conducted for 100 youth members of GAERG and AERG, in partnership with Emerging Leaders. The programme, held at the Kigali Genocide Memorial,  is aimed at equipping the … Continue Reading »

Clemence preparing food

Vocational Training

In January 2018, SURF received a grant of £20,000 from the Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust to provide vocational skills training and counselling to 50 youth born of genocide rape. The support from the Trust helped to provide skills … Continue Reading »

GAERG celebrates its 15th Anniversary in 2019 (c. The New Times)

Genocide survivors investment fund

Genocide survivors launch Rwf50 million investment fund By Julius Bizimungu, The New Times Groupe des Anciens Etudiants et Elèves Rescapés du Genocide (GAERG), an organisation founded by Rwandan graduate Genocide survivors, has launched an investment trust Fund, dubbed G-Innovation Development … Continue Reading »

Today Annonciata is proud of her son Paulin (c. Deutsche Welle)

Born of rape

An article about SURF’s work with children born of genocide rape, first published on Deutsche Welle (by Eva de Vries), which we publish for the first time here on our website… During the Rwandan genocide, estimates suggest that 250,000 to … Continue Reading »

Volunteers carry a trauma victim during a commemoration event at Murambi Genocide Memorial last year. Sam Ngendahimana

Trauma among genocide survivors

CNLG appeals for effective remedies for trauma among genocide survivors By Emmanuel Ntirenganya, The New Times Trauma among genocide survivors is high and urgent response is needed to help the affected recover from it, the Executive Secretary of CNLG (National Commission … Continue Reading »