ICTR Demonstration


At a Roundtable Discussion in Kigali on Friday, IBUKA (National Association of Survivor’s Organisations) and the Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) signed the Joint Declaration on the Rights to Reparation for Survivors of the Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The Joint Declaration … Continue Reading »

GWEP Update

Six months have passed since the initiation of the Genocide Widows Empowerment Project (GWEP), the wraparound project funded with a three-year grant from Big Lottery Fund in order to transform the lives of widowed survivors in the Western Province of … Continue Reading »


Concern over validity of International Criminal Tribunal judgments. Kigali 20.06.2013 – IBUKA expresses concern over the recently leaked letter – from  Judge Frederik Harhoff of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)- questioning the credibility of the Tribunal President, Judge Theodor … Continue Reading »

Annual Report

Survivors Fund (SURF) is proud to publish here our Annual Report 2012/13. The report provides a summary of our work over the past year, as well as preview of our plans for our work ahead. We celebrate our successes and … Continue Reading »


Restorative Justice for Survivors of the Rwandan Genocide. Noam Schimmel, Huffington Post. Who knows best what the needs of Rwandan genocide survivors are as they seek to rebuild their lives? Genocide survivors themselves. As the Rwandan New Times recently reported, … Continue Reading »


New impetus in Genocide reparation cases. By Jean de la Croix Tabaro, The New Times. June 06, 2013. The Government is designing a new strategy to ensure that all issues related to compensation of Genocide survivors are sorted by December. … Continue Reading »


Arrest of Rwandan genocide suspects: an important step towards accountability. The Metropolitan Police’s arrest of five Rwandan genocide suspects in the UK on 30 May is an important step forward in the pursuit of justice for survivors of the 1994 … Continue Reading »

Future Plans

Our long-term plans are outlined in our Strategic Plan 2012 – 2014, and our more immediate plans are outlined in the Summary of the Year section. The focus of our work will be concentrated in two principal areas: Delivering Justice … Continue Reading »

How SURF is run

Survivors Fund (SURF) is a charitable company, registered in England and Wales with both the Charity Commission (1065705) and Companies House (04311565). This structure, which is used by many charities, allows us to have all the advantages of charitable status, … Continue Reading »

Financial Review

FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR 2012 SUMMARY 2012 proved our most successful year of fundraising since 2006. Not only did our income increase year-on-year by 35% to £1,149,633, but we also reduced our expenditure in the UK ensuring that we maximised our … Continue Reading »