
We have examined the major risks to which the charity is exposed and review them at each Board meeting. Systems and procedures have been put in place to manage those risks. The Risk Register is maintained by the Chief Executive … Continue Reading »


The work of SURF would not be possible without an incredible team of committed staff. SURF is led by David Russell, based in the UK. David has been Chief Executive of Survivors Fund (SURF) since January 2009, when he succeeded … Continue Reading »

Summary of the Year

Here we describe a selection of our work in the year ending 31 December 2012, and look forward to the work that we plan to undertake in 2013. We have included a series of case studies from projects, to highlight … Continue Reading »


Three times a year, SURF convenes a meeting in Kigali of all our partner organisations, which presents us with an opportunity to hear further from them on the progress of their work, and to update them on news and developments … Continue Reading »


In January, we piloted a new Youth Entrepreneurship Training Programme (YETP) in partnership with the Association of Student Genocide Survivors (AERG); made possible through funding from the Kattan Family. Its guiding vision is to develop a model of best practice in the … Continue Reading »

The Year in Review/Preview

This past year, 2012, has been a landmark for Survivors Fund (SURF). In partnership with AVEGA Agahozo, the national association of widows of the genocide, we have proven the impact of our holistic model of sustainable livelihood development for survivors … Continue Reading »


When I succeeded the founder of Survivors Fund (SURF), Mary Kayitesi Blewitt OBE, as the second director of the charity, I did not think that I would still be in post over four years later. After many years as a consultant, … Continue Reading »

Year One

The Widowed Survivors Empowerment Project (WSEP) is a wraparound project funded by UKaid  from the Department for International Development that provides holistic support to widowed survivors of the Rwandan genocide. By securing ownership of land and property, developing viable livelihoods, and … Continue Reading »

AVEGA Appeal

Each year, Rwanda commemorates the 1994 genocide perpetrated against Tutsi from April to July. The commemoration week runs from 7th to 13th April. During the period, AVEGA undertakes various activities for its members. Those activities are divided into three phases: … Continue Reading »


It is estimated that between five and twenty thousand women were raped and bore children of that rape during the genocide were born as a result of rape committed against Tutsi women during the genocide. Nineteen years hence and the … Continue Reading »