
Survivors Fund (SURF), in partnership with Redress and IBUKA, has been working on developing an array of submissions on draft and current legislation that impacts on the rights of survivors. At present, the Rwanda Parliament is debating a new law … Continue Reading »

Annual Report

We are proud to announce the electronic publication of the SURF Annual Report 2011, which presents an overview of our work over the past year. With your continuing support we have achieved much, despite the challenging climate. Our work ahead is … Continue Reading »


In the Survivors Fund (SURF) Annual Report each year, we highlight some of our current and likely future challenges of our work. In this year’s Annual Report, which we will be publishing next month, we outline four challenges critical to … Continue Reading »


Each year SURF publishes an Annual Report of our work. We are currently in the process of finalising our Annual Report for 2011, and preview here a review of our year, as documented by the Co-Chairs of Survivors Fund (SURF), … Continue Reading »


Mukomeze (Kinyarwanda for “empower her”) is a non-profit organization established to raise awareness of and funds for women and girls who suffered sexual violence during the genocide in Rwanda. The Dutch-based organisation developed “The Men Who Killed Me”, a book featuring … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Noam Schimmel, a special advisor to Survivors Fund (SURF): The first day of the Jewish holiday of Passover this year falls on the anniversary of the first day of the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi. How … Continue Reading »


As we mark the 18th Anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda on 7th April, Survivors Fund (SURF) is supporting the commemoration, as well as calling for action to secure reparation for survivors. Over the past month in … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) is honoured to announce the agreement of a new grant funded by UKaid from the Department for International Development (DFID) of £966,360 for alleviating the poverty of genocide widows in Rwanda in partnership with AVEGA Agahozo. The … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Samuel Munderere, Programme Manager at Survivors Fund (SURF) in Rwanda, and coordinator of our work with Foundation Rwanda to support children born of rape. The price that victims of genocide rape are paying Every rape is … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) each year supports a number of commemoration events to mark the anniversary of the genocide on and around the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda on 7th April. This year, … Continue Reading »