
In the time between developing a new project, and its completion, a lot can change. SURF is fortunate to have donors that recognise the importance of adapting our work, and accordingly their funding, to ensure that we most effectively meet … Continue Reading »

Care and Treatment

I have blogged previously about the support of the UK Department of International Development (DFID) for survivors in Rwanda. For five years, DFID have funded a Care and Treatment of Rwandan Genocide Survivors Infected by HIV/AIDS Project – referred to … Continue Reading »

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day

Today, January 27th, marks the 65th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day. Survivors Fund (SURF) has been involved in marking the commemoration in a variety of ways. Our Co-Chair, Liliane Umubyeyi, was interviewed … Continue Reading »

Solace Ministries

Solace Ministries

One of the key partners of Survivors Fund (SURF) is Solace Ministries, a Christian-based survivor’s organisation which ministers to widows and orphans of the genocide in Rwanda. Established in 1995 by a survivor, Jean Gakwandi, SURF has supported its work which has … Continue Reading »

Speaking Out

Speaking out

I was fortunate to undertake a course whilst studying at New York University with Irshad Manji, Founder of the Moral Courage Project. Moral Courage is “the willingness to speak truth to power and risk backlash for a greater good.” There … Continue Reading »


There are two pieces of news that I share with you, both an acknowledgement of the work of SURF and our partners. At the 64th General Assembly of the United Nations last month, a resolution was adopted calling for the … Continue Reading »

The year ahead

The year ahead

As we near the year end, and finish writing up our annual reports to donors, we are currently focusing as well on the work ahead in 2010.  As I have written previously, there are many challenges for Survivors Fund (SURF), … Continue Reading »

The Psychology of Giving

The Psychology of Giving

Much has been written and spoken about the psychology of giving. What motivates people to give, and what more can organisations like SURF do to engage people to give more. Nicholas Kristof addresses the issue in the most recent issue … Continue Reading »

End of Year Appeal

End of Year Appeal

As 2009 draws to a close, we have been working on our end of year appeal. Survivors Fund (SURF) does not have an annual fundraising dinner or event, and as such is dependent on the generosity of supporters through the … Continue Reading »



Through the course of the work of Survivors Fund (SURF), it is always remarkable to learn of other organisations working in Rwanda which share an allied goal of providing support to survivors. Two organisations in particular of note have been … Continue Reading »