Can SURF do what Kiva can’t?

Kiva, a remarkable online portal to connect donors directly to entrepreneurs in developing countries, admitted this week that its claim to facilitate donor-to-borrower connections is partly fictional. In fact, donations are channelled through microfinance institutions, and the entrepreneurs advertised already … Continue Reading »


Reportage Press

In the run-up to Christmas, Reportage Press will donate £1 from every book sold via its website to Survivors Fund (SURF). Reportage Press is an independent publishing house specialising in books on foreign affairs. It was co-founded by the former … Continue Reading »

Post from Rwanda

Post from Rwanda

SURF is currently undergoing an evaluation of its work by Comic Relief, our first and to date largest funder. The evaluation is assessing the impact of nine projects Comic Relief has funded since our partnership began in 1997. The efforts … Continue Reading »

Thank you

Thank you

2009 has been a particularly challenging year for SURF – as it has been for many charities. We are fortunate to have a number of committed donors that have enabled us to not only sustain, but in some cases even … Continue Reading »



Of all the pages on the SURF website, the one that receives by far the greatest number of visits is the page of statistics on the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The most popular search term on google that … Continue Reading »

Teaching on Rwanda

Teaching on Rwanda

SURF is fortunate to be supported in its work by two great teachers, Andy Lawrence of Hampton School and Sam Hunt of Sandhurst Comprehensive. Their work has been profiled in a comprehensive feature in The Guardian. Andy has been developing … Continue Reading »

The challenge of communications

The challenge of communications

The arrest of Idelphonse Nizeyimana, a leading genocidaire, accused of killing thousands of Tutsis in the 1994 genocide – including Queen Rosalie Gicanda – was announced today. Survivors Fund is often asked to comment on such news stories, which presents … Continue Reading »

Partnering to support survivors

Survivors Fund (SURF) is fortunate to have a number of remarkable partners, which help us to raise funds for our work to support survivors as well as to raise awareness of the situation of survivors in Rwanda today. Network 4 … Continue Reading »

Justice for survivors

Christine Stansell in The New Republic this week published a very powerful essay on Rwanda – The Aftermath and After. The foundation of the article is built on a review of The Strategy of Antelopes by Jean Hatzfeld (published in … Continue Reading »