Rwandan Visit

Rwanda Visit

Next week I will be heading to Rwanda on a visit to follow up a number of projects – as well as to complete our annual report. Highlights, on which I look forward to reporting further on in due course, will … Continue Reading »

IBUKA Newsletter Cover

Communication Matters

IBUKA, the umbrella body of survivor’s organisations in Rwanda, published today its first newsletter, which reports news of the 15 members that operate under its umbrella. IBUKA will publish this newsletter at least twice a year, which will set out … Continue Reading »

Rwanda Visit

I arrived in Kigali yesterday for a three-week visit in Rwanda. There are a number of items on the itinerary on which I will be reporting further in due course. The first part of the visit I will be travelling … Continue Reading »

Annual Report 2009 Cover

SURF Annual Report

Earlier this month, the Board of Trustees of Survivors Fund (SURF) approved our Annual Report for 2009. You can download it here, or by clicking on the front cover below: We will be uploading to the website a more user-friendly … Continue Reading »


We are fortunate to receive many visitors to this, our website. We now average more than 3,000 unique visitors each month. Many of the visitors are from educational institutions, searching for statistics on the genocide. Others are supporters, wanting an … Continue Reading »

The year ahead

The year ahead

As we near the year end, and finish writing up our annual reports to donors, we are currently focusing as well on the work ahead in 2010.  As I have written previously, there are many challenges for Survivors Fund (SURF), … Continue Reading »

The challenge of communications

The challenge of communications

The arrest of Idelphonse Nizeyimana, a leading genocidaire, accused of killing thousands of Tutsis in the 1994 genocide – including Queen Rosalie Gicanda – was announced today. Survivors Fund is often asked to comment on such news stories, which presents … Continue Reading »