The Media and Paul Rusesabagina

A guest post by Dr. Wolfgang Reinhardt of Iriba Shalom International It is scandalous, that the majority of the international press has been giving a misleading and naïve reporting of the trial and verdict against the so-called “hero” of the … Continue Reading »

Jean-Damascene (AERG) leads Legal support on Helpline

Legal and Counselling Helpline

Continuing our series of articles from our Annual Report 2020/21, we outline here our work on our Legal and Counselling Helpline. The Legal and Counselling Helpline (Helpline) was established in August 2013 as a partnership between Survivors Fund (SURF) and … Continue Reading »

Pictures of victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi archived inside Kigali Genocide Memorial. (Sam Ngendahimana)

Genocidaires in France

French journalist ‘discovers’ three top Genocidaires living scot-free in France By James Karuhanga, The New Times Three suspects under the ‘first category’ of perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi live in France, unhindered, according to an expose by … Continue Reading »

An Enhanced Resilience Training Session at AVEGA

Healing through therapy

How an initiative is helping survivors find healing through therapy By Lydia Atieno, The New Times The dark past of Rwanda’s history left many wounds in the hearts of survivors. It’s been 27 years since the horror of the 1994 … Continue Reading »


The Responsibilities of NGOs

A new book by Noam Schimmel, Advancing International Human Rights Law Responsibilities of Development NGOs: Respecting and Fulfilling the Right to Reparative Justice for Genocide Survivors in Rwanda published by Palgrave Macmillan this month explores the potential responsibilities to respect, … Continue Reading »

Protest against the ICTR led by IBUKA in Rwanda

Reparations for Victims

Reparations for victims matter as much as Kabuga’s trial Prosecutions contribute to history and truth but shouldn’t be allowed to again overshadow compensation for Rwanda’s victims. by Allan Ngari, ISS Africa The arrest on 16 May of Félicien Kabuga, alleged … Continue Reading »

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Rwandan history and the testimonies of the Foundation Rwanda mothers show us that  systemic racism and violence are not new. Our hearts go out to the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Tony McDade, Dion Johnson … Continue Reading »

ICTR Demonstration

Jus Cogens

The designation “Genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi” has become “Jus Cogens” of international law By Gatete Nyiringabo Ruhumuliza, The New Times On Monday 20th April 2020 at 5:01pm, the United Nations adopted a resolution 74/273, recognising April 7 as the … Continue Reading »