
New impetus in Genocide reparation cases. By Jean de la Croix Tabaro, The New Times. June 06, 2013. The Government is designing a new strategy to ensure that all issues related to compensation of Genocide survivors are sorted by December. … Continue Reading »


Arrest of Rwandan genocide suspects: an important step towards accountability. The Metropolitan Police’s arrest of five Rwandan genocide suspects in the UK on 30 May is an important step forward in the pursuit of justice for survivors of the 1994 … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Lindsey Hilsum, Patron of Survivors Fund (SURF). It is the season of remembrance.  On Saturday May 5th I went to the Sainte Famille Church in central Kigali to meet a group of some 200 genocide survivors … Continue Reading »


Post-Gacaca compensations for survivors: A missed opportunity for Reconciliation in Rwanda by Albert Gasake In this paper, Albert Gasake, Legal Advocacy Coordinator at SURF, examines the problems that persist for survivors in obtaining adequate and meaningful compensation for material assets … Continue Reading »


Address of David Russell, Director of Survivors Fund (SURF), at The Berkshire Rwandese Community Event at Reading Civic Centre to mark the 19th Anniversary Commemoration of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi, 11th April 2013  Never before in modern history … Continue Reading »


‘Never again’ means ensuring accountability for the genocide in Rwanda.  Rwanda has made significant steps in the pursuit of justice for victims of the genocide 19 years ago. But many suspected perpetrators living abroad have not been brought to justice … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) has supported a number of commemoration events in the UK, and further afield too, to mark the 19th Anniversary of the genocide against the Tutsi. We supported the commemoration event of members of the Rwandan community living … Continue Reading »


On CNBC Meets tonight, the former United States President, Bill Clinton, publicly expressed regret for the second time on the US failure to stop the 1994 Tutsi genocide under his Administration, also referred to as “the preventable genocide.” President Clinton … Continue Reading »


An excerpt from  Supporting Survivors of Genocide and Other Mass Atrocities: EU Responsibilities by Noam Schimmel, published by the Huffington Post   Given the extensive role of EU national aid agencies in funding development aid programs careful consideration must be … Continue Reading »

IWD 2013

Today (8th March) is International Women’s Day (IWD). The UN theme for IWD 2013 is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women.” The survivors of the genocide in 1994 are disproportionately women and girls, as … Continue Reading »