
AERG and GAERG prepare to honor liberation fighters, support wounded survivors ahead of 21st Commemoration. From News Of Rwanda, 6th March 2015. As Rwanda prepares for the twenty-first commemoration of the 1994 Genocide the Tutsi, survivors’ organizations AERG and GAERG … Continue Reading »

Kwibuka 2015

Kwibuka 2015 to focus on tackling genocide denial. Activities to mark the 21st commemoration of the Genocide against Tutsi will revolve around engaging the international community on the issue of genocide denial and revisionism, according to the National Commission for … Continue Reading »

SURF Community Counselling Group, 2014

Counselling – Rebuilding

An innovative counselling project, that delivers support through a community approach to women with children born of rape, demonstrates its success as a model of best practice for rape victims, new research has shown. It suggests that the groups, established … Continue Reading »


The BBC’s recent “Rwanda: The Untold Story” provides a highly imbalanced account of the Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi, with no challenge to its selection of sources and materials, nor checks on the assertions made. Sadly, it serves to fuel … Continue Reading »

Mothers say Thank You


A group of mothers, victims of rape committed during the genocide, who have attended our community counselling programme, gave us a big surprise last week. They presented us with a thank you gift for the psychological support they have received … Continue Reading »

Media reportage

Old media reports deprive Rwandan genocide survivors of the right to be forgotten. By Sally Hayden, One of the biggest challenges following the Rwandan genocide was getting it classified as such. As the international community faltered and fiddled and … Continue Reading »

Children of rape

Lindsey Hilsum in today’s Observer writes of  the extraordinary testimony of women who were raped during the genocide in Rwanda twenty years ago – and of the children born as a result. Survivors Fund (SURF), with our US partner, Foundation Rwanda, have been … Continue Reading »


The UK government has pledged £2.5 million to Aegis Trust’s Genocide Research and Reconciliation Programme in Rwanda. Survivors Fund (SURF) applauds this commitment towards the preservation of the memory of the genocide. In March 2014, SURF transferred ownership of the … Continue Reading »

MPs Debate

Jeremy Lefroy, MP for Stafford, calls to remember survivors and highlights the importance of reparation and justice in yesterday’s UK Parliamentary backbench business debate, agreeing on a motion related to the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. The full debate … Continue Reading »


‘I saw armed gang murder my family’. From: BBC News Magazine. Rwanda is holding a week of official mourning to mark the 20th anniversary of the country’s genocide. On 6 April 1994, a plane carrying then-President Juvenal Habyarimana – a … Continue Reading »