Big Lottery Fund

Survivors Fund (SURF) is proud to announce it has secured a three year grant of £498,632 for the Genocide Widows Empowerment Project (GWEP) from the International Communities Programme of the Big Lottery Fund. GWEP will transform the lives of widowed … Continue Reading »


From 24th to 25th October 2012, prosecutors and judges from East African countries, representatives from the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) as well as experts from civil society … Continue Reading »


A guest post from Albert Gasake, Legal Advocacy Project Coordinator of Survivors Fund (SURF) in Rwanda: Right to reparation for survivors of the 1994 Tutsi genocide in Rwanda: Difficulties and future perspectives While the rights to reparation for victims of … Continue Reading »


Teaching the Rwandan genocide can be a daunting task for teachers.  Many practitioners feel ill-equipped to answer the countless questions which the subject generates, not to mention the moral and ethical dimensions. ‘Lessons from Rwanda’ is a new set of … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) is delighted to announce that Liliane Umubyeyi, Co-Chair of Survivors Fund (SURF) from 2008 to 2012 has been awarded the Third Sector Excellence Award for Chair of the Year. Liliane retired as Co-Chair at our AGM this … Continue Reading »


In a recent call for applications for proposals addressing Innovation for Education, the Rwandan Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) defined innovation as: “…the creation and implementation of new or improved processes, products, or services that result in significant improvements in learning … Continue Reading »


An estimated 20,000 children were born as a result of rape committed against Tutsi women during the 1994 genocide. Josiane was herself born as a result of rape. “I was conceived when three men raped my mom” she says. When I … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF), in partnership with REDRESS, has supported IBUKA in the drafting of a submission on a new draft Presidential Order on the implementation of Community Service (TIG) in Rwanda. TIG a critical issue , which disproportionately affects survivors – … Continue Reading »


The Youth Entrepreneurship Training Programme (YETP) was set up as a collaboration between Survivors Fund (SURF) and the Association of Student Genocide Survivors (AERG) with the aim of contributing to the reduction of youth unemployment in Rwanda, focusing on university graduates … Continue Reading »

WSEP Progress

In accordance with the policy of Survivors Fund (SURF) for transparency in our work, we publish here the first quarterly report of AVEGA on the progress of our new Widowed Survivors Empowerment Project (WSEP). The report makes for great reading, some highlights … Continue Reading »