
Today marked the finale of Project Umubano, with two sessions as the culmination of our community and business projects. In the morning, an array of SURF’s partner organisations pitched their projects to mark the 20th anniversary of the genocide to … Continue Reading »

A Day in SURF

Guest post from David Russell, Director of Survivors Fund (SURF). In my post as Director of Survivors Fund (SURF), I travel to Rwanda three times a year. Each summer, I accompany the UK Conservative Party on Project Umubano, which is … Continue Reading »

Umubano 2013

Back in 2007, Survivors Fund (SURF) assisted the UK Conservative Party to organise Project Umubano, a two-week international social action programme for party members to provide them with a unique first-hand experience of international development. Developed in 2007 by Andrew … Continue Reading »


The dilemma of children born of rape in the 1994 Genocide. By Jean de la Croix, The New Times. 1st July 2013. About 800 women, mostly single mothers, who were raped during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and conceived … Continue Reading »


New impetus in Genocide reparation cases. By Jean de la Croix Tabaro, The New Times. June 06, 2013. The Government is designing a new strategy to ensure that all issues related to compensation of Genocide survivors are sorted by December. … Continue Reading »

Year One

The Widowed Survivors Empowerment Project (WSEP) is a wraparound project funded by UKaid  from the Department for International Development that provides holistic support to widowed survivors of the Rwandan genocide. By securing ownership of land and property, developing viable livelihoods, and … Continue Reading »

AVEGA Appeal

Each year, Rwanda commemorates the 1994 genocide perpetrated against Tutsi from April to July. The commemoration week runs from 7th to 13th April. During the period, AVEGA undertakes various activities for its members. Those activities are divided into three phases: … Continue Reading »


Esperanz was living in Ntarama during the genocide. When it started, she began grouping together with neighbors. After three days they decided to separate, some of them (including her husband and family) went to the school, others went to the … Continue Reading »

Study Tour

Last Thursday, 96 of the participants on the Widowed Survivors Empowerment Project (WSEP), funded by the UK Department for International Development, traveled from around Rwanda to meet in AVEGA East to partake in study tours. Every one of the 32 income-generating … Continue Reading »

IWD 2013

Today (8th March) is International Women’s Day (IWD). The UN theme for IWD 2013 is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women.” The survivors of the genocide in 1994 are disproportionately women and girls, as … Continue Reading »