HMD 2013

Survivors Fund (SURF) has supported Holocaust Memorial Day since its inception. The theme for the commemoration this year is Communities Together: Build a Bridge on which SURF Trustee, Apolinaire Kageruka, comments in the HMD campaign pack (featuring photography from SURF Photographer, Andrew … Continue Reading »


It is estimated that between five and twenty thousand women were raped and bore children of that rape during the genocide. Children born of these rapes – referred to in their villages as ‘children of the interahamwe‘, or ‘children of … Continue Reading »

The SURF Film

Survivors Fund (SURF) marked fifteen years of work at an event at Portcullis House in London earlier this month. A short film which we post below highlights our work to date, as well as some of the challenges and opportunities for our work … Continue Reading »

AERG Research

This week, AERG published a new research report on legal and homeless problems on effecting trauma in student survivors of the genocide. The research was funded by Survivors Fund (SURF), as part of the Project Umubano advocacy project. The research … Continue Reading »

Big Lottery Fund

Survivors Fund (SURF) is proud to announce it has secured a three year grant of £498,632 for the Genocide Widows Empowerment Project (GWEP) from the International Communities Programme of the Big Lottery Fund. GWEP will transform the lives of widowed … Continue Reading »

Dream Big

A guest post from Jules Shell, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Foundation Rwanda, extracted from the Foundation Rwanda Annual Report 2011 Foundation Rwanda will officially turn five years old in July 2013. Our organization was founded in response to one … Continue Reading »


Project Umubano is the UK Conservative Party Social Action project in Rwanda and Sierra Leone. Since 2007, Survivors Fund (SURF) has helped with the organisation of the project, providing support in-country for the visiting delegation. In addition, each year a team … Continue Reading »


In the Survivors Fund (SURF) Annual Report each year, we highlight some of our current and likely future challenges of our work. In this year’s Annual Report, which we will be publishing next month, we outline four challenges critical to … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) is honoured to announce the agreement of a new grant funded by UKaid from the Department for International Development (DFID) of £966,360 for alleviating the poverty of genocide widows in Rwanda in partnership with AVEGA Agahozo. The … Continue Reading »


In partnership with AERG (Association of Student Survivors of Genocide), Survivors Fund (SURF) has helped to develop the Kigali Language Exchange (KLE), which is delivering high quality, affordable English language training to all in Kigali. What is unique about the initiative is that 70% … Continue Reading »