Books And Story Library YouTube Channel


The Books and Story Library channel on YouTube is a platform through which Omar Ndizeye, a survivor of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and author of Life and Death in Nyamata, posts interviews with other survivors as … Continue Reading »

Becoming Human Again

Becoming Human Again

Genocide involves significant death and trauma. Yet the enormous scope of genocide comes into view when one looks at the factors that lead to mass killing, the struggle for survival during genocide, and the ways survivors reconstruct their lives after … Continue Reading »

Books Recommended (February 2021)

Reading List

At Survivors Fund (SURF) we often come across new books on the genocide, or published testimonies of survivors. Most recently we have showcased a remarkable new book of testimonies published as And I Live On. Last year in our News … Continue Reading »

Foundation Rwanda Family

Sexual Violence in Conflict

Five years ago today, on 19 June 2015, the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/69/293) proclaimed 19 June of each year the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, in order to raise awareness of the need to … Continue Reading »

Simeon Karamaga

Simeon Karamaga

Survivors Fund (SURF) marks the death of Simeon Karamaga, aged 76 yeras old. Simeon was truly a remarkable man, a cattle breeder from the Abanyiginya Tribe, a survivor of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and a celebrated resistance … Continue Reading »

Relentless Minds

Relentless Minds Podcast

Relentless Minds is a podcast, produced in the United States, which has recently released several interviews with survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi that occurred in Rwanda in 1994. The following episodes address the unspeakable tragedies that these survivors … Continue Reading »

A Youth Counselling Group in Kibeho, conducted by AERG and coordinated by SURF with funding from Network for Africa (Chrystal Ding)

Kwibuka 26

Today, Tuesday 7th April, marks the UN International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda which this year will not be marked by any public events, due to Covid-19, but instead by a series of … Continue Reading »