Survivors Fund (SURF) marks the death of Simeon Karamaga, aged 76 yeras old.
Simeon was truly a remarkable man, a cattle breeder from the Abanyiginya Tribe, a survivor of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and a celebrated resistance fighter of Bisesero. Simeon’s wife and eight children were all killed in the genocide, though in his role as second-in-command of the armed resistance he was able to stave off the attack of the interahamwe for two months helping to save countless lives of others. His memory and courage will live long in the memory of us all.
Survivors Fund (SURF) recorded the testimony of Simeon at the Bisesero Memorial Site in the Western Province of Rwanda in 2006. The testimony was recorded by SURF videographer Andrew Sutton of Central Studios, and remastered in 2014 for inclusion in our commemoration materials to mark the anniversary. His testimony was also featured in our exhibition “Heroes of our Time“.