AERG and GAERG prepare to honor liberation fighters, support wounded survivors ahead of 21st Commemoration.
From News Of Rwanda, 6th March 2015.
As Rwanda prepares for the twenty-first commemoration of the 1994 Genocide the Tutsi, survivors’ organizations AERG and GAERG have organised a month long activities aiming at honoring the liberation fighters and support the wounded survivors.
The activities according to Charles Habonimana, GAERG president will be launched on Saturday 7, this year 2015 in Rukumbeli Sector of Ngoma District.
“We have organised a number of activities to support vulnerable genocide survivors, especially those wounded, and honour the liberation fighters of the Rwandan Patriotic Army who stopped the genocide,” Habonimana said.
Other activities that will be done during the month will include cleaning and maintaining genocide memorials and recording the names of completely perished families, a joint statement read Jean Bosco Milindi, the coordinator of AERG said that the campaign will extend heartfelt appreciation to those who rescued Tutsis during the Genocide against The Tutsi.
“We want to bring genocide survivors together, share the history of the genocide and teach young generation about the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, how to build themselves as well as about genocide prevention,” he said.
The Associations’ members will also visit the former houses of genocide victims and survivors which were destroyed in 1994 in a move to destroy traces of existence and plant trees the sites in a bid to preserve history and memory of victims.
AERG (Association des Etudiants Et Éleves Rescapés du Genocide) is an association of student survivors of the genocide created in 1996 at the National University of Rwanda while GAERG (Groupe des Anciens Éleves Rescapés du Genocide) founded by Rwandan graduate genocide survivors.
During the three-month Genocide, over a million Tutsis were brutally exterminated by former President Juvénal Habyarimana’s Genocide regime.