The support from Good Gifts through the Charities Advisory Trust continues to be transformative for thousands of genocide survivors and their dependents across Rwanda. The impact of the funding from Good Gifts is enabling SURF and its local partner organisations to respond to the needs of the genocide survivors, and in most cases enabling them and members of their household to generate an income that delivers a sustainable impact far beyond the period of the grants. This is leading our partner organisations and the survivors supported through the programme to become more independent and self-sufficient.
This is one of a series of posts we will be publishing of the impact of the gifts, with a link to the specific gift which enabled us to make this support possible.
Growing Eggplants
The African eggplant is locally known as ‘Intoryi”. It is a tropical perennial plant that is closely related to the eggplant and widely cultivated for its use as a food, medicinal purposes, and ornamental plant. Eggplants can be steamed, fried, grilled, pureed, or dried for future use. This African eggplant is an excellent source of fibre and vitamins which provide manganese and potassium.
John Bosco is one of the young survivors who have benefited from the support of Good Gifts and implemented his farming activities, including cultivation of eggplants, in his community. Bosco says: “After completing high school I did not get a chance to continue my studies at university, and I was hopeless thinking about my future. I started pastoral farming, with small livestock of chickens but could not generate sufficient income. SURF then supported me through providing farming training and helped me to buy seeds and start an egg plantation. From the first harvest, I generated 50,000 Rwf (around £40) as a profit after all expenses. I have a plan now to expand this through cultivating more land as I have seen a good profit from it.”
You can buy a Vegetable Patch Kit here.