Skills, jobs and entrepreneurship are key to the well-being of young survivors and also contribute to strengthening the Rwandan economy. Survivors Fund (SURF), AERG (National Association of Student Genocide Survivors) and GAERG (National Survivor’s Association of Graduate Students), with the support of INSPIRE!africa, set up the Youth Entrepreneurship and Internship Training Programme (YETP) with the aim of providing valuable entrepreneurship skills to vulnerable young people, and of reducing youth unemployment in Rwanda.
Now in its eighth year, the initiative contines to show strong results. Young survivors face more hurdles than most in education and competing in the job market. Those responsible for younger siblings, in orphan-headed households, have extra challenges without family to support them. With a burgeoning private sector and improvements in its economy Rwanda offers increasing opportunity, but competition for jobs and business creation remains fierce. However YETP provides vital training and access to oppportunities which is helpling hundreds of young survivors into employment or to start their own businesses. This has enabled them to generate an income to support themselves and their families. As this new short film attests….