Members of the Association of Student Survivors of the Genocide (AERG) during a visit at a model village built for elderly Genocide survivors in Nyanza District in 2019. (Photo: The New Times)


Youth survivors rally peers to push back against genocide denial ideology By Michel Nkurunziza, The New Times Rwandan Graduates Genocide Survivors Organisation (GAERG) and the Association of Student Survivors of the Genocide (AERG) have embarked on the activities to be … Continue Reading »

Books Recommended (February 2021)

Reading List

At Survivors Fund (SURF) we often come across new books on the genocide, or published testimonies of survivors. Most recently we have showcased a remarkable new book of testimonies published as And I Live On. Last year in our News … Continue Reading »

A traumatised youth is helped during a past commemoration event. Survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi found it hard to commemorate this year due to the lock-down meant to curb the spread of COVID-19. (The New Times)

Mental Health and Covid-19

By Nasra Bishumba, The New Times Almost a year since Rwanda confirmed its first Covid-19 case, mental health experts in organisations of the survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi say that mental illness challenges have been exacerbated by … Continue Reading »

Survivors Fund (SURF) Office in Kigali

New Strategic Plan

Every three years, the partners, trustees and staff of Survivors Fund (SURF) undertake a review of our work to date, and develop a strategic plan for our work ahead. We discuss what are the proiorities for survivors now and likely … Continue Reading »

Strategic Planning (Justice)

In the lead up to the publication of the new Strategic Plan of Survivors Fund (SURF) for 2021 to 2023, we will be publishing several posts to provide more context of our work – and implications for the the survivors … Continue Reading »