Protest against the ICTR led by IBUKA in Rwanda

Reparations for Victims

Reparations for victims matter as much as Kabuga’s trial Prosecutions contribute to history and truth but shouldn’t be allowed to again overshadow compensation for Rwanda’s victims. by Allan Ngari, ISS Africa The arrest on 16 May of Félicien Kabuga, alleged … Continue Reading »

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Rwandan history and the testimonies of the Foundation Rwanda mothers show us that  systemic racism and violence are not new. Our hearts go out to the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Tony McDade, Dion Johnson … Continue Reading »

Foundation Rwanda Family

Sexual Violence in Conflict

Five years ago today, on 19 June 2015, the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/69/293) proclaimed 19 June of each year the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, in order to raise awareness of the need to … Continue Reading »

SURF June 2020 Newsletter

SURF Newsletter

Each month we publish a newsletter with the latest developments on our work, for which you can subscribe here. Our most recent newsletter includes information on our COVID-19 Emergency Response Project, the arrest of Félicien Kabuga and the Relentless Minds … Continue Reading »

ICTR Demonstration

Jus Cogens

The designation “Genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi” has become “Jus Cogens” of international law By Gatete Nyiringabo Ruhumuliza, The New Times On Monday 20th April 2020 at 5:01pm, the United Nations adopted a resolution 74/273, recognising April 7 as the … Continue Reading »

Simeon Karamaga

Simeon Karamaga

Survivors Fund (SURF) marks the death of Simeon Karamaga, aged 76 yeras old. Simeon was truly a remarkable man, a cattle breeder from the Abanyiginya Tribe, a survivor of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and a celebrated resistance … Continue Reading »

ICTR Demonstration

The Arrest of Félicien Kabuga

Félicien Kabuga: Rwanda genocide survivors happy with arrest From BBC News Online Rwandan genocide survivor groups have welcomed the arrest in France of one of the most wanted men accused of being behind the mass killings. Félicien Kabuga, 84, was … Continue Reading »

Foundation Stones

Foundation Stones

Foundation Stones is a project which invites people across the UK to paint a stone in remembrance of those murdered in the Holocaust, and subsequent genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, Darfur and the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. These … Continue Reading »

Relentless Minds

Relentless Minds Podcast

Relentless Minds is a podcast, produced in the United States, which has recently released several interviews with survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi that occurred in Rwanda in 1994. The following episodes address the unspeakable tragedies that these survivors … Continue Reading »