Beneficiaries of SURF's Foundation Rwanda programme

SURF’s Annual Report

Each year Survivors Fund (SURF) publishes its Annual Report and Accounts, which are officially filed with the Charity Commission. They are thus publicly available to download and read here. Over the course of the coming weeks, we will share some … Continue Reading »

Lucie, a genocide widow

Good Gifts for Survivors

Through funding over many years from the Good Gifts Catalogue, an initiative of the Charities Advisory Trust,  Survivors Fund (SURF) has extended support to thousands of widows and orphans that are beneficiaries of our ongoing livestock and livelihoods programme. This enables … Continue Reading »

Genocide Memorial

Complicity of France

Rwanda: More Evidence Pins France On Genocide. By James Karuhanga, The New Times. Recent reports in the French media have been awash with damning evidence about France’s complicity in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. New revelations have, among others, … Continue Reading »


880 More Families Wiped Out During Genocide Identified. By Emmanuel Ntirenganya, The New Times. Genocide survivors have this year identified 886 families whose 4,256 members were wiped out during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The families were identified in … Continue Reading »



Facing Life After Death of the Family Breadwinner. By Donah Mbabazi, Opinion, The New Times. It has been three hard years since Jeanine Mukabacondo lost her husband Patrick Kanyamibwa in a motor accident. After six years of courtship, the couple … Continue Reading »

Turning Pain into Hope. Photo by Whitney Shefte.

Turning Pain into Hope

Rwanda’s children of rape are coming of age — against the odds. By Danielle Paquette, The Washington Post. Angel was 11 the last time her mother tried to kill her. She remembers the handful of rat poison pellets, the urging: Take … Continue Reading »

One of the beneficiaries of the Foundation Rwanda programme

“I learned who I am”

SURF Clinical Psychogist, Jemma Hogwood, is the lead author of a new academic paper “I Learned Who I Am”: Young People Born From Genocide Rape in Rwanda and Their Experiences of Disclosure.” The paper, published in this month’s Journal of … Continue Reading »

Innovation Fund

Innovation Fund

Graduate Genocide Survivors’ Organisation (GAERG), the association of student survivors of Genocide (AERG), and the Survivors Fund (SURF) have launched an entrepreneurship innovation fund intended to support youth’s income-generating projects. The fund, launched on Friday, started with $50,000 (Rwf40 million) … Continue Reading »


Genocide Remains Decomposing at Major Memorial Site. By KT Press Staff Writer. At a genocide memorial site in eastern Rwanda, remains of more than 40,000 Tutsi victims could soon be no more if urgent action is not taken. The location, … Continue Reading »