This month, Survivors Fund (SURF) hosted a small group of women from Northern Uganda lead by Dr. Erin Baines co-founder of the Justice and Reconciliation Project in northern Uganda and Professor at the University of British Colombia. The group came to Rwanda for an international exchange between women who had survived abduction by the LRA during the conflict in northern Uganda, and women victims of genocide rape supported by SURF. The women shared together their experiences, and learning of overcoming the challenges of living with the experience of rape and raising the children born as a result of the rapes. As one of the participants in the programme noted: “Sharing my horrible experience makes me feel better than people who haven’t, it actually makes me feel good”.

The exchange was facilitated by SURF’s Senior Counsellor Kambibi Emilienne, and Solace Ministries Counselor Beata Mukarubuga.