
Rwanda Sets Aside Rwf6bn for Damaged Genocide Memorial Sites. By Jean de la Croix Tabaro, KT Press. Rwanda has embarked on intensive rehabilitation and extension of major genocide memorials, pending a definitive burial for remains and registration of four genocide … Continue Reading »


Kwibuka23: Increase punishment for Genocide ideology, says Ibuka. By James Karyhanga, The New Times.  Not only should the law punishing the crime of Genocide ideology be made tougher but the government and civil society too need to up their momentum … Continue Reading »


Student survivors find healing through AERG. By Lydia Atieno, The New Times. After the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, many survivors lost their families and had no place to call home or a family to lean on. This is how … Continue Reading »


Compensating survivors: How far have we gone? By Rodrigue Rwirahira, The New Times. Denyse Mukeza could look to her current job as a respite, but the scars and losses she incurred 23 years ago remain raw. She is the branch … Continue Reading »

Kwibuka 23

Dear Friends, As we commemorate the Genocide against the Tutsi for the twenty-third year, we want to thank our supporters for their continued support that enables us to continue to deliver the work we are undertaking to rebuild the lives … Continue Reading »

ICTR Demonstration


Editorial: Victims of the Genocide need full justice. THE NEW TIMES, March 25, 2017. A historic ruling was passed Friday at The Hague, as far as international criminal justice is concerned. The International Criminal Court (ICC) set precedence when it … Continue Reading »


Psychosocial support essential for survivors to live productive lives. In a few days from now, the country will once again for the 23rd time remember the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis. The killing of more than 1 million Tutsi caused … Continue Reading »


Rwandan genocide survivors welcome Pope’s apology. Survivors hope Pope Francis’s Monday statement will help secure arrests of fugitive clergy implicated in 1994 violence. By Ivan Nganwa, Anadolou Agency. KIGALI, Rwanda. Survivors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide have welcomed an apology … Continue Reading »

Innovation Fund

Young and innovative entrepreneurs who wish to make the next step in developing their business can now participate in the Innovation Fund Challenge to win an investment in their company and mentoring by experienced, successful entrepreneurs. Last week, Survivors Fund … Continue Reading »


Genocide survivor groups exude hope for the future. By The New Times. Yesterday began the AERG-GAERG Week, when young survivors of the Genocide embark on a countrywide string of social activities. Among them is to show gratitude to the few … Continue Reading »