Sam Munderere, SURF Chief Executive


Survivors Fund (SURF) has announced the appointment of its first ever Rwanda-based Chief Executive, following the resignation of Françoise Lemagnen. “We are very pleased to welcome Samuel Munderere as our new Chief Executive. He is a popular choice and given … Continue Reading »

Francoise (SURF) and Françoise Foundation Rwanda counsellor


As many of you already know, I took the difficult decision recently to step down as Chief Executive of SURF, that I announced in Rwanda in August. I shall be making way back to France from the UK and Rwanda, … Continue Reading »

Women’s Work

UKAid’s DfiD assessment of The Widowed Survivors’ Empowerment Project (WSEP), awarded to SURF and AVEGA, a 3-year programme that ended in March 2015, says, “Overall we have appraised your reported performance as A+”. According to DfiD “It is the group dynamics that … Continue Reading »

Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the publication of the SURF Annual Report 2014/15, which presents an overview of our work over the past year. The Annual Report is a summation of the many projects and activities undertaken by Survivors Fund (SURF). … Continue Reading »


SURF is fortunate to have a number of partners that support our work and make it possible both in the UK and Rwanda. Our work is supported by an array of funders whose support is invaluable. In 2014 our funders … Continue Reading »

Volunteers and Supporters

Our work is helped by the contribution of a number of individual volunteers, who make up the SURF Projects Team. Their work is vital in extending the reach of SURF. Special acknowledgment is made to the contribution of Kathy Shanklin, … Continue Reading »

How SURF is run

Survivors Fund (SURF) is a charitable company, registered in England and Wales with both the Charity Commission (1065705) and Companies House (04311565). This structure, which is used by many charities, allows us to have all the advantages of charitable status, … Continue Reading »

Future Plans

Our more immediate plans are outlined in the Summary of the Year section. The focus of our future work, which will be more fully outlined in our Strategic Plan 2015 – 2017, will be concentrated in two principal areas: Rebuilding … Continue Reading »

Financial Review

Summary 2014 proved to be a year of consolidation as we secured income of £917,375 with half of that income being secured from two restricted grants from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Big Lottery Fund. This … Continue Reading »


We have examined the major risks to which the charity is exposed and review them at each Board meeting. Systems and procedures have been put in place to manage those risks. The Risk Register is maintained by the Chief Executive … Continue Reading »