
Genocide survivors housing programme draws to a close By Athan Tashobya, New Times The Government is in the last phase of constructing houses for survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Officials from the Ministry of Local Government and … Continue Reading »

Comic Relief

Survivors Fund (SURF) received critical funding from Comic Relief in 2010 to support a two-year HIV+ Survivors Integration Project (SIP). SIP sought to extend holistic support through our two partner organisations AVEGA Agahozo and Solace Ministries to ensure the successful integration into the public health system … Continue Reading »


AERG and GAERG prepare to honor liberation fighters, support wounded survivors ahead of 21st Commemoration. From News Of Rwanda, 6th March 2015. As Rwanda prepares for the twenty-first commemoration of the 1994 Genocide the Tutsi, survivors’ organizations AERG and GAERG … Continue Reading »

Kwibuka 2015

Kwibuka 2015 to focus on tackling genocide denial. Activities to mark the 21st commemoration of the Genocide against Tutsi will revolve around engaging the international community on the issue of genocide denial and revisionism, according to the National Commission for … Continue Reading »

Age Matters

Caring for the aged in Rwanda is the subject of a new report by AVEGA AGAHOZO, the genocide widows association. With 87 per cent of respondents on incomes of below 10,000 RWF (14USD) per month, what are the support mechanisms … Continue Reading »

SURF Community Counselling Group, 2014

Counselling – Rebuilding

An innovative counselling project, that delivers support through a community approach to women with children born of rape, demonstrates its success as a model of best practice for rape victims, new research has shown. It suggests that the groups, established … Continue Reading »

Think Big

AERG and SURF launched the first meeting of AERG Business Networking Club “Think Big: Growing Your Business in Rwanda”, a forum created to bring together youth, enterprise and innovators in Rwanda through informal networking events, on Friday (28th November 2014). … Continue Reading »

Reparation & Reconciliation

The 20th anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in April 2014 renewed discussions about justice and reconciliation in Rwanda. Rwanda’s restorative justice sentenced thousands of perpetrators to reparation (often a monetary compensation) at the gacaca (community courts). However, many … Continue Reading »

Widows & Agriculture

New research from Stuart Jones of the University of Reading (UK) shows that agricultural vulnerability of widow farmers in social processes is largely manifested from actions of extended family, rather than exogenous community factors. Genocide has resulted in a fundamental … Continue Reading »

One Dollar Opens

The One Dollar Hostel, new home to 192 vulnerable, genocide orphans, was inaugurated this week by Francis Kaboneka, Local Government Minister, after a four-year construction phase. The brainchild of Rwandan diaspora, AERG (student survivors) and GAERG (former student survivors), has … Continue Reading »