Children of rape

Lindsey Hilsum in today’s Observer writes of  the extraordinary testimony of women who were raped during the genocide in Rwanda twenty years ago – and of the children born as a result. Survivors Fund (SURF), with our US partner, Foundation Rwanda, have been … Continue Reading »


The UK government has pledged £2.5 million to Aegis Trust’s Genocide Research and Reconciliation Programme in Rwanda. Survivors Fund (SURF) applauds this commitment towards the preservation of the memory of the genocide. In March 2014, SURF transferred ownership of the … Continue Reading »

Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the publication of the SURF Annual Report 2013/14, which presents an overview of our work over the past year. You can download the report by clicking on the cover below: The Annual Report is a summation … Continue Reading »

Bike Build

Twenty years ago on April 7th, 1994, an estimated 20,000 children were born as the result of rapes during the genocide in Rwanda, many of them to mothers who contracted HIV. Since 2007, Foundation Rwanda has worked to help educate … Continue Reading »

MPs Debate

Jeremy Lefroy, MP for Stafford, calls to remember survivors and highlights the importance of reparation and justice in yesterday’s UK Parliamentary backbench business debate, agreeing on a motion related to the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. The full debate … Continue Reading »


The 23-year-old with 24 kids: Genocide orphans form their own families By Sally Hayden for CNN, Published 24th April 2014 It’s a sunny April afternoon at the University of Rwanda College of Education in Kigali. Some students huddle in groups … Continue Reading »

Alain and Dafroza Gauthier

Gauthier & Justice

Alain Gauthier, President of the The French Collective of Civil Parties for Rwanda (CPCR), speaks to SURF about the historical importance of the first trial of a genocide suspect living on French soil  in February 2014 – that of Pascal … Continue Reading »


‘I saw armed gang murder my family’. From: BBC News Magazine. Rwanda is holding a week of official mourning to mark the 20th anniversary of the country’s genocide. On 6 April 1994, a plane carrying then-President Juvenal Habyarimana – a … Continue Reading »

Twenty Years On

On the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi, Survivors Fund (SURF) and survivor-led NGOs in Rwanda see that, despite significant progress in transforming lives and bringing sustainable change for many, support is still critically needed by tens … Continue Reading »


‘Once in a generation’ chance to secure reparations for the Genocide against the Tutsi. An appeal has been made to the international community to mark the 20th anniversary of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda by backing reparations for … Continue Reading »