2012 Preview

The year ahead will be a pivotal time for Survivors Fund (SURF) as well as for survivors of the genocide. Our primary focus will be supporting AVEGA Agahozo to extend the organisation’s work to support widows and orphans of the … Continue Reading »

2011 in Review

Each year we publish a formal annual review of our work, but we take this opportunity to flag up some of our highlights of the past year: New projects – Rolling out a new legal project led by a team of interns from AERG … Continue Reading »

HIV+ Survivors

Today, 1st December, is World AIDS Day. To mark the day, Survivors Fund (SURF) is raising awareness of the situation of women survivors of genocide living with HIV and AIDS in Rwanda. Through funding from Comic Relief, Survivors Fund (SURF) … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) is currently supporting the work of nine local partner organisations in Rwanda, all of which are focused on rebuilding the lives of survivors of the genocide. Our newest partner is Kanyarwanda, our only partner organisation that was … Continue Reading »

Legal Aid

Survivors Fund (SURF), in partnership with Redress, has launched a new legal aid project in Rwanda. With four of our partner organisations – IBUKA, AVEGA, AERG and Solace Ministries – we have recruited interns (all of which are current or … Continue Reading »


Kamembe is the base of AVEGA Western Region (AWR). Survivors Fund (SURF) provided the initial grant to establish the office of AWR in 2003, and through our current grant for the HIV+ Survivors Integration Project (SIP) from Comic Relief we … Continue Reading »

Lantos Prize

Rwandan survivors of the genocide are calling for the immediate withdrawal of the proposed award of the Lantos Prize to Paul Rusesabagina. In a letter to Annette Lantos, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Lantos Prize for Human Rights and Justice, … Continue Reading »

How SURF is run

Survivors Fund (SURF) is a charitable company, registered in England and Wales with both the Charity Commission (1065705) and Companies House (04311565). This structure, which is used by many charities, allows us to have all the advantages of charitable status, … Continue Reading »

Future Plans

Our long-term plans are outlined in our Strategic Plan 2009 – 2011, and our more immediate plans are outlined in the charitable activities section. The focus of our work will continue to be based around the following three areas: Delivering … Continue Reading »