Financial Review

Summary 2010 has been a very challenging year financially for SURF, as set out in the Statement of Financial Activities appending this trustee’s report. However, despite the poor economic climate, we finished the year incredibly strongly and are now well … Continue Reading »


We have examined the major risks to which the charity is exposed and review them at each Board meeting. Systems and procedures have been put in place to manage those risks. The Risk Register is maintained by the Chief Executive … Continue Reading »


The work of SURF would not be possible without an incredible team of committed staff. In Rwanda, we are thankful to Gabo Wilson (Coordinator), Sam Munderere (Programme Manager) and Ariane Uwamahoro (Administrator). Sam is now on a one year sabbatical … Continue Reading »

Summary of our year

Here we describe our work in the year ending 31 December 2010, highlighting our strengths and weaknesses, and looking forward to the work that we plan to undertake in 2011. Progress is assessed against our goals as stated in the … Continue Reading »

Successes and Challenges

Successes Secured a new grant of £523,486 from Comic Relief for a new two year programme to support HIV+ women survivors in membership of AVEGA and Solace Ministries; Secured a new three-year grant of £240,000 from the Sigrid Rausing Trust … Continue Reading »


Association des Etudiants et Elèves Rescapés Du Genocide (AERG) is helping student survivors of the Rwandan Genocide with support from Survivors Fund (SURF). AERG was created in 1996, at the National University of Rwanda, by and for student genocide survivors; many … Continue Reading »


Coexist is a remarkable independent documentary film examining the unique social experiment of reconciliation in Rwanda. It tells the stories of genocide survivors searching for ways to coexist with their loved ones’ murderers. Earlier this month I participated in a panel … Continue Reading »


For the previous year, Survivors Fund (SURF) has been working with REDRESS on a coordinated project focused on securing reparation for survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. In a brilliant piece in Pambazuka News, Juergen Schurr, legal … Continue Reading »

Good Gifts

For many years, Survivors Fund (SURF) has been a grateful beneficiary of the Good Gifts Catalogue. The new Catalogue has jut been published, and the great new Good Gifts website is now up and running. To get some sense of the … Continue Reading »


The Auditor General in Rwanda this week reported that funds utilised by the Government Assistance Fund for Survivors (FARG) for the construction of shelter is “not worth the amount of money spent“. Between 2006-2008 alone, 6 billion Rwandan Francs (approximately … Continue Reading »