As a prelude to the publication of our Annual Review 2021/22, we feature from it a message from the Chair of Survivors Fund (SURF), Sam Hunt:
In a challenging year when the world had slowly begun to emerge from the global pandemic, many of us have been reminded of the importance of family and the love and support of those we care for. After a 2 year Covid-induced hiatus I recently was delighted to be able to return to Rwanda and to see first-hand the outstanding and vital work SURF has continued to do throughout the pandemic to support survivors of the genocide against the Tutsi. For so many survivors who lost their families and loved ones during the genocide, SURF has become a vital source of support, comfort, guidance and empowerment.
The commitment of Survivors Fund (SURF) to advocate for survivors and support them to rebuild their shattered lives remains undiminished. Our work would not be possible without the dedication of the SURF staff, led by our inspirational Chief Executive, Sam Munderere, and without the continuing commitment and generosity of our supporters, trustees and donors.
As the survivor community continues to age, the ability of Survivors Fund (SURF) to adapt to cater for their changing needs will become even more important. Your support to enable us to continue this vital work is more important than ever.
Thank you for supporting our work and helping survivors achieve their true potential. For those interested to learn more, and to support our work further, please do consider a donation.