The Books and Story Library channel on YouTube is a platform through which Omar Ndizeye, a survivor of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and author of Life and Death in Nyamata, posts interviews with other survivors as well as reviews of books related to the genocide.
In a recent video, he has a conversation with Consolee Nishimwe, a survivor of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda, Consolee, who reflects on her experience of being a rape survivor after the genocide. The questions he poses and she addresses include what was life like after the genocide, and what she did to overcome the psychological effects of what had happened to her. She also reflects on how she sees the stories of other raped women survivors in both the academic and political spheres, as well as her passion for talking about hope.
Consolee shares her experience and her journey in more detail in her memoir, Tested to the Limit: A Genocide Survivor’s Story of Pain, Resilience, and Hope.