Remembering the Survivors

Remembering the Survivors of Genocide in Rwanda by Noam Schimmel is a remarkable call to action. Published by Dissent Magazine, the article sets out the importance of expressing more than platitudes and consolations for survivors, but the importance of material … Continue Reading »



One of the great benefits of my job as Director of Survivors Fund (SURF) is the opportunity to meet an array of supporters of our work. Over the past ten days, then I have enjoyed three such meetings: Last week, I … Continue Reading »

Claims and contentions

A number of articles of late have raised awareness of the lack of support that survivors in Rwanda have received, and continue to receive, from international development agencies. In yesterday’s Observer, there is a fascinating profile of the Dutch writer Linda … Continue Reading »

Sixteen years on

Sixteen years on from the genocide in Rwanda and there remain many challenges for survivors. Most pressing for widowed survivors is lack of adequate shelter, and for orphaned survivors difficulty in completing their education. A shared challenge for all survivors … Continue Reading »