Survivors Fund (SURF) Office in Kigali

New Strategic Plan

Every three years, the partners, trustees and staff of Survivors Fund (SURF) undertake a review of our work to date, and develop a strategic plan for our work ahead. We discuss what are the proiorities for survivors now and likely … Continue Reading »

An AVEGA-Agahozo member receives a Kitchen Garden to help ensure a regular supply of food during the COVID-19 restrictions

New UK Aid Direct Grant

Survivors Fund (SURF) and AVEGA Agahozo have been awarded a new UK Aid Direct grant to directly respond to the impact of COVID-19. This is a UK Government challenge fund that supports civil society organisations to be a force for … Continue Reading »

SURF/N4A/AERG Youth Counselling Group

The Big Give Christmas Challenge

With our excellent international partner, Network for Africa, and our local partner AERG, Survivors Fund (SURF) is providing counselling support for hundreds of vulnerable orphans. Through socially-distanced group counselling, through house calls and by telephone, we try to equip people … Continue Reading »


The Responsibilities of NGOs

A new book by Noam Schimmel, Advancing International Human Rights Law Responsibilities of Development NGOs: Respecting and Fulfilling the Right to Reparative Justice for Genocide Survivors in Rwanda published by Palgrave Macmillan this month explores the potential responsibilities to respect, … Continue Reading »