
Veronique Muhawenimana, is 27 years old from Kayonza District. Veronique completed her secondary school education in 2010 where she studied history, economics and geography, but was unable to obtain Government or FARG support to continue her education.  As a young … Continue Reading »

ICTR Closes

International Criminal Tribunal closes. By Alastair Leithead. BBC News. The small, dusty town of Arusha in northern Tanzania is the gateway to Mount Kilimanjaro, to the beauty and the wildlife of the Serengeti. But for 21 years, a small courtroom … Continue Reading »


Rwanda: Banks Failing Youth Employment Efforts – YETP. By Solomon Asaba. The New Times. Reluctance by banks to fund young entrepreneurs is affecting efforts geared at reducing youth unemployment, Jean Paul Nyiribakwe, the Youth Entrepreneurship Training Programme (YETP) co-ordinator, has … Continue Reading »

Ray of Hope

In 1994, people of Rwanda suffered horrible atrocities. But here’s a ray of hope. By Brandon Weber. Reposted from Upworthy. November 2015. November 2. In 1994, a civil war had been raging for four years in the country of Rwanda. Then, … Continue Reading »

The End

“We must raise the final £60,000 or our Foundation Rwanda programme closes in 2016.”  Yes. You read that right. It is a stark headline but it is the truth. We are a small team and we believe in full transparency, … Continue Reading »


The National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) is partnering with Survivors Fund (SURF) to deliver support to relatives of it’s former employees who were killed during the genocide against the Tutsi in 1994. BNR is supporting income generating activities for 24 families … Continue Reading »

Annual Report

We are pleased to announce the publication of the SURF Annual Report 2014/15, which presents an overview of our work over the past year. The Annual Report is a summation of the many projects and activities undertaken by Survivors Fund (SURF). … Continue Reading »


SURF is fortunate to have a number of partners that support our work and make it possible both in the UK and Rwanda. Our work is supported by an array of funders whose support is invaluable. In 2014 our funders … Continue Reading »

Volunteers and Supporters

Our work is helped by the contribution of a number of individual volunteers, who make up the SURF Projects Team. Their work is vital in extending the reach of SURF. Special acknowledgment is made to the contribution of Kathy Shanklin, … Continue Reading »

How SURF is run

Survivors Fund (SURF) is a charitable company, registered in England and Wales with both the Charity Commission (1065705) and Companies House (04311565). This structure, which is used by many charities, allows us to have all the advantages of charitable status, … Continue Reading »