Future Plans

Our more immediate plans are outlined in the Summary of the Year section. The focus of our future work, which will be more fully outlined in our Strategic Plan 2015 – 2017, will be concentrated in two principal areas: Rebuilding … Continue Reading »

Financial Review

Summary 2014 proved to be a year of consolidation as we secured income of £917,375 with half of that income being secured from two restricted grants from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Big Lottery Fund. This … Continue Reading »


We have examined the major risks to which the charity is exposed and review them at each Board meeting. Systems and procedures have been put in place to manage those risks. The Risk Register is maintained by the Chief Executive … Continue Reading »


The work of SURF would not be possible without an incredible team of committed staff. Françoise Lemagnen was appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in November 2013. She is supported by David Russell, who serves as the UK Coordinator. David … Continue Reading »

Summary of the Year

Here we describe a selection of our work in the year ending 31 December 2014, and look forward to the work that we plan to undertake in 2015. Widowed Survivors Empowerment Project (WSEP) Funder: UK Department for International Development (DFID) … Continue Reading »

A Note from the Chief Executive

The ‘raison d’être’ of Survivors Fund (SURF) is to respond to an explicit need from survivors of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi. A visiting European supporter group to Kigali, in July 2014, asked us about the negative connotations of … Continue Reading »

The Year in Review / Preview

In the important 20th anniversary year of the Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi the world turned its attention once again to Rwanda. We at Survivors Fund (SURF) were able to join with others, in both the UK and Rwanda, to … Continue Reading »


Survivors Fund (SURF) is partnering with filmmakers Soenke C Weiss and Gerrit Hahn in a revenue-share of all proceeds generated from their documentary film – Ibyiza Birimbere. Ibyiza Birimbere is Kinyarwanda and means “The best is still to come”. The protagonists of … Continue Reading »

Holistic approach

Holistic approach needed to fix survivors’ problems. Letter published in The New Times. 12th May 2015. Reference is made to the Editorial, “FARG’s envisaged move could be the turning point” (The New Times, May 8). I would first of all … Continue Reading »


Genocide survivors hopeful of reparations as ICTR winds up. By Edwin Musoni, The New Times.  The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), yesterday, heard the last arguments in the appeal case involving former minister for family affairs and women development … Continue Reading »