15th Anniversary

On Wednesday, Survivors Fund (SURF) marked fifteen years of work. At an event at Portcullis House in London, SURF’s Director, David Russell, spoke on the achievements of the work of the organisation to date, as well as plans for the work … Continue Reading »

Aid decision

Survivors Fund (SURF) statement on decision of the UK Department for International Development (DfID) to withhold aid to Rwanda The decision today of the UK Secretary of State for International Development, Justine Greening, to withhold aid to Rwanda in light … Continue Reading »

Vocational Training

In an address to the membership of AERG, President Paul Kagame stated that for Rwanda to achieve its development goals and be more competitive, the youth must embrace technical and vocational training. President Kagame was speaking at the close of … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Dr Jemma Hogwood, Clinical Psychologist, SURF Rwanda: For the last 6 months, four groups of women have been meeting regularly in their local communities to discuss their experiences of being raped during the genocide and bringing … Continue Reading »


There has been much debate in the UK Parliament, as well as the media, about the future of UK aid to Rwanda, a decision on which will be taken by new Secretary of State for International Development, Justine Greening, next month. … Continue Reading »


In an excerpt from Interventions: A Life in War and Peace by Kofi Annan – review by Rory Stewart in The Guardian, below, the position of Annan, who was Head of Peacekeeping Operations at the time is set out. General Dallaire, the … Continue Reading »

Fifteen years

Survivors Fund (SURF) works to support survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. It is marking its 15th Anniversary with a public event at Portcullis House on 5th December. From July 1994, in the immediate aftermath of … Continue Reading »


IBUKA, the national umbrella association of 15 survivor’s organisations in Rwanda, in partnership with Survivors Fund (SURF) and REDRESS, have submitted a discussion paper to the President of the Republic of Rwanda which sets out recommendations for reparation for survivors … Continue Reading »

Big Lottery Fund

Survivors Fund (SURF) is proud to announce it has secured a three year grant of £498,632 for the Genocide Widows Empowerment Project (GWEP) from the International Communities Programme of the Big Lottery Fund. GWEP will transform the lives of widowed … Continue Reading »


From 24th to 25th October 2012, prosecutors and judges from East African countries, representatives from the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) as well as experts from civil society … Continue Reading »