

Support of the survivors of the genocide comes in many forms. As we approach the anniversary of the genocide this week, we offer our support in the forms of thoughts and prayers for the survivors at this challenging time. Seventeen … Continue Reading »

Commemoration Participants

Seventeen years on

Next week is the start of the commemoration of the anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda in which one million Tutsis, and a number of moderate Hutus, were targeted and killed in just one hundred days from April to July … Continue Reading »



In the lead up to the anniversary of the genocide in April, SURF is involved in a number of initiatives. On Tuesday 29th March, SURF is organising a memorial ceremony to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide in … Continue Reading »

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day

Today is Red Nose Day, the biennial telethon to raise money for Comic Relief. Survivors Fund (SURF) has a long association with Comic Relief. In fact, SURF’s Founder, Mary Kayitesi Blewitt, raised funding for AVEGA from Comic Relief in 1995, … Continue Reading »

A remarkable traveller

It is with great sadness that we learned recently of the death of Roger Diski, a great friend of Rwanda and of Survivors Fund (SURF). Roger was a true pioneer, a social entrepreneur, an activist. As founder of Rainbow Tours, … Continue Reading »

Odette Kayirere with AVEGA members

International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day (IWD) – a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of IWD. Much of SURF’s work involves and is led by … Continue Reading »



A new UN report published today calls for reparations for victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as “a matter of priority”. The 55-page report is a fascinating read, not only for the conclusion that it … Continue Reading »

Dame Hilary Blume - a Happy Giver


New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) today launched a new report: Ten Ways to boost giving. The report identifies current barriers to giving (“I can’t afford it”; “I think charities are inefficient”) and proposes ideas on how to encourage and stimulate people … Continue Reading »



One of the great benefits of my job as Director of Survivors Fund (SURF) is the opportunity to meet an array of supporters of our work. Over the past ten days, then I have enjoyed three such meetings: Last week, I … Continue Reading »

A mentoring session in progress


A critical component of the Education into Employment (EiE) programme which Survivors Fund (SURF) has developed in partnership with the Student’s Association of Survivors of the Genocide (AERG) is a mentoring scheme. EiE supports disadvantaged youth, many of whom are … Continue Reading »