Reaching Rwanda 2020

Reaching Rwanda 2020

Continuing our series of articles from our Annual Report 2019/20, we outline here our current work on our Reaching Rwanda project. Sandhurst School has been running its ground-breaking Reaching Rwanda project in partnership with Survivors Fund (SURF) since 2008. Pioneered … Continue Reading »

Foundation Rwanda Group Members

Foundation Rwanda Update

Happy Holidays to our extended Foundation Rwanda Family!  Times are still hard for many survivors in Rwanda, particularly in light of the 25th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and the ongoing release of genocide convicts over … Continue Reading »

SURF Vocational Training Students

The Big Give

The Coles-Medlock Foundation have committed a £5,000 matching grant to our Foundation Rwanda programme for the vocational education and counselling of 40 young people born to women survivors raped during the genocide next year if we can raise an additional £15,000 through The … Continue Reading »

Students at School in Rwanda


Each year Survivors Fund (SURF) publishes its Annual Report and Accounts, which are officially filed with the Charity Commission. Our 2018 report is now thus publicly available to download and read here. Below is an extract from the report, highlighting … Continue Reading »