Comic Relief

I am delighted to announce that our application to Comic Relief for funding for a new project to support HIV+ women survivors has been successful! We have been awarded a two-year grant for £523,486. The HIV+ Survivors Integration Project (SIP) will … Continue Reading »

International Funding

International Funding

SURF was founded with an objective to raise funding internationally for survivors of the genocide in Rwanda. In her memoir, You Alone May Live, SURF Founder, Mary Kayitesi Blewitt, recalls her first few months of work on her return from … Continue Reading »


Last week I attended an excellent free training workshop on Stewardship, organised by the fsi (Foundation for Social Improvement). I knew little about the fsi or stewardship before the workshop, but left much the wiser at the end of the … Continue Reading »

A week in Rwanda

A week in Rwanda

I have just returned from a visit to Rwanda, on which I reported previously about our ongoing discussions with our partners on the priorities for our work ahead. The past week has been a busy one, and presents a good … Continue Reading »

The year ahead

The year ahead

As we near the year end, and finish writing up our annual reports to donors, we are currently focusing as well on the work ahead in 2010.  As I have written previously, there are many challenges for Survivors Fund (SURF), … Continue Reading »

The Psychology of Giving

The Psychology of Giving

Much has been written and spoken about the psychology of giving. What motivates people to give, and what more can organisations like SURF do to engage people to give more. Nicholas Kristof addresses the issue in the most recent issue … Continue Reading »

End of Year Appeal

End of Year Appeal

As 2009 draws to a close, we have been working on our end of year appeal. Survivors Fund (SURF) does not have an annual fundraising dinner or event, and as such is dependent on the generosity of supporters through the … Continue Reading »

Can SURF do what Kiva can’t?

Kiva, a remarkable online portal to connect donors directly to entrepreneurs in developing countries, admitted this week that its claim to facilitate donor-to-borrower connections is partly fictional. In fact, donations are channelled through microfinance institutions, and the entrepreneurs advertised already … Continue Reading »


Reportage Press

In the run-up to Christmas, Reportage Press will donate £1 from every book sold via its website to Survivors Fund (SURF). Reportage Press is an independent publishing house specialising in books on foreign affairs. It was co-founded by the former … Continue Reading »

Post from Rwanda

Post from Rwanda

SURF is currently undergoing an evaluation of its work by Comic Relief, our first and to date largest funder. The evaluation is assessing the impact of nine projects Comic Relief has funded since our partnership began in 1997. The efforts … Continue Reading »